The APE IC project was created for charitable purposes to help homeless children
What is the same Ape IC ?
Unique and inimitable design
Using 10% AI , drawing 90%
Each NFT has a serial number key
The collection will develop bolgodorya you we need your support
In the future there will be a closed club of keepers Ape IC
When the project reaches 100 keepers, a merch and a draw will be launched
There will be draws based on Ape serial numbers that's why they are needed the more Ape the more chances to become a winner
The value of these nfts is in uniqueness the collection of a small print run will allow you to pre-sell it
Ape IC is not just an nft it is a work of art

Ape IC

The look of this Ape monster is strong evil toxic
This class is very dangerous always ready to answer

Ape IC
Old iron

This Ape klss looks like it is many years old rusty old iron, but they are very beautiful and they will become a taming of your collection.

Ape IC
Soft pencil

This coass Ape is drawn in the style of a soft pencil there are various nfts in this class that are very similar to sketches or more like cartoon characters they will always become a taming of your collection

Assemble your collection of unique and non-repeatable APE IC


© Polygon Ape Iron club